An Unhealthy Road

A Perfect Street for a Half-hearted Runner
This is a long and narrow road in a water park that was built over a filled-in canal. It is just behind my house, and I used to run here a lot when I was in judo club in both middle and high school. Including Onagi River, there are 19 rivers in Koto-ku, all of which underwent maintenance just 30 years ago. Unlike vaster parks, this park is right next to urban land and I like how crummy the path is.
For someone like myself who drinks until late at night and goes out running the next morning, it is essential to have a pleasant restroom along the road that I can drop by. And a smoking area too. The streets in a city like this one have convenience stores, neighborhood shops, and many spots where you can swing by. For a half-hearted runner who isn’t an athlete, having facilities from point to point where one where one can rest is needed more than a too-beautiful running course.
When I’m running, I listen to rakugo or music in one ear. While listening to my master’s rakugo, I think about how to convey the story to contemporary audiences. My mind gets scattered when I try to do this at home, but I can somehow concentrate more when I’m running. One time, I tried to recite a rakugo out loud while running, but of course the breathing was different from than on stage. So, for me, running is a time to listen and think about rakugo.
Tatekawa Dansho
Born 1965 in Tokyo. Dansho graduated from the Waseda University School of Law. During his time in high school, Dansho trained in judo, and in college he studied the statute books. After experiencing various part-time jobs including teaching at a preparatory school, he became an apprentice for Tatekawa Danshi in 1993, and was given the name Tatekawa Dansho (in different characters). In 1996, he was promoted to Futatsume, the second-highest rakugo rank, and renamed Dansho VI in 2003. He reached Shinuchi, the top rank, in 2005. Dansho has established a reputation for his adaption of classical rakugo mixed with dark humor.

Location: Sendaihorigawa Park, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Distance: approximately 1.5km
Road surface: asphalt
Recommended season: spring, summer, autumn
アクセス :
都営新宿線 大島駅、東京メトロ東西線南 砂町駅から徒歩10分
10-minute walk from Toei Shinjuku Line Oshima Station or Tokyo Metro Tozai Line Minami-Sunamachi Station
Editors: Moto Takagi, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Madoka Hattori
Translation: Yu Araki
Photographer: Tetsuya Tsukamoto
Production: Runner’s Information Research Institute