
A Road that Evolves while still Preserving Tradition

大阪/大阪市 推薦者 : 豊竹咲甫大夫(人形浄瑠璃文楽座・太夫)
Osaka City, Osaka Recommended by Toyotake Sakihodayu





A walk to feel the spirit of Osaka and its modernism

Nakanoshima is a place I’ve been visiting since I was a kid. My grandfather had a studio near the lion statues on the Naniwa Bridge, and I loved walking inside the Nakanoshima Rose Garden near Kitahama Station. When heading west on foot from the rose garden to the south side of the Nakanoshima Promenade, you can see the Osaka City Central Public Hall, and after crossing Mido-suji, the Bank of Japan Osaka Branch appears on the right as you head to the Festival Hall located on the right side of the Yotsuhashi-suji. This is a path I still take even as an adult today.

Even after becoming a narrator, I’ve returned to the region to show “Michiyuki hatsune no tabi” at the Osaka City Central Public Hall as part of the 2008 Osaka International Puppetry Festival. Attending the award ceremony for “Sakuya Konohana Award” in 2011 is another fond memory. In 2012, I also performed “Ninin Sambasou” at the Festival Hall’s stage reopening.

The streets of Nakanoshima are lined with massive modern architecture, exhibiting a stately appearance even now. On the other hand, the Neo-Renaissance-style Osaka City Central Public Hall has retained its Taisho era appearance since its renewal in 2002, but contains the latest modern stage equipment and architectural facilities. In 2014 at the Festival Hall, Sugimoto Bunraku presented a newly updated version of “Sonezaki Shinju,” which was highly enjoyable for a contemporary audience while remaining faithful to Chikamatsu Monzaemon’s original text. Channeling the breath of Osaka Modernism, Nakanoshima is always evolving. It is truly a magnificent path.


1975年大阪市生まれ。83年、豊竹咲大夫に入門し、84年に文楽協会研究生となる。86年3月 傾城阿波の鳴門「巡礼歌の段」おつるで初舞台。2011年「平成22年度咲くやこの花賞」、2013年「第34回松尾芸能賞新人賞」、2013年「平成25年度大阪祭賞グランプリ 「絵本太功記」NHK Eテレ「にほんごであそぼ」レギュラー出演中。著書に「豊竹咲甫大夫と文楽へ行こう!」(旬報社)など。

Toyotake Sakihodayu

Narrator, Ningyo Joruri Bunrakuza. Born 1975 in Osaka City. In 1983, Toyotake started training under Toyotake Sakaidayu and became a research student at the Bunraku Association in 1984. In March, 1986, he made his stage debut as Otsuru in “Keisei Awa no Naruto: Junrei-uta no dan.” He has received various awards including the 2010 Sakuya Konohana Award (2011), the 34th Matsuo Geino Newcomer Prize (2013), and the Osaka Culture Festival Award Grand Prix with Ehon Taikouki. He appears regularly on the television program “Nihongo de Asobo” (NHK). His book “Let’s go to Bunraku with Toyotake Sakihodayu!” was published by Junposha.


制定年 : 2015

Location: Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City
Distance: approximately 1.2 km
Road surface: earth road, asphalt
Recommended season: spring, summer, autumn, winter
Nearby facilities: Osaka City Central Public Hall, Festival Hall
Average temperature: summer 28℃, winter 10℃
Greenery: abundant

Year : 2015

アクセス :



The Kitahama Station of the Midosuji Subway Line or the Keihan Line


Editors: Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Madoka Hattori
Translation:Yu Araki
Photographer: Tetsuya Tsukamoto
Production: Runner’s Information Research Institute