
Unpaved roads encourage tourism.

Ryuichi Sakamoto (musician)



そんなところですから観光が主な収入で。主に先進国から来る欧米人や日本人や、毎日のように来るんですね。最初は観光客が来て連れて行く道ですから、なんで整備しないんですか? と土地の人に聞いたら、整備するとやはり自然が壊れる、と。




When a tropical rainforest is destroyed, a road is made and it all falls at once. Without roads, they would be difficult to destroy. Once a road is built, the forest will be destroyed in one go with numerous dump trucks.
About ten years ago, I was in love with Africa. I visited that continent every year, and I had to go to a nature reserve in Kenya. A one-hour trip on a Cessna brought me from Nairobi to a rough grass runway. At times, the runway would be dotted with a large crowd of zebras which the local people would have to drive away. The place where we landed didn’t appear to have any buildings nearby and a jeep came to meet me. I could get to where I wanted to go but only on a bumpy road.
As is easy to work out that the principal source of income there is tourism. Visitors arrive there almost every day from developed countries, mainly from Europe, the U.S. and Japan. Initially, I wondered why the roads were not improved if they were being used to carry sightseers. I asked the local people this question. Their answer was that “Better roads will eventually end up destroying nature.”
Considering that tourism is built on sightseers coming to see the wild nature itself, their source of income would be lost if that nature were destroyed. It is their business to protect it. That is why the local people don’t improve the roads.
The road was extremely bumpy. When even a little rain fell, the road turned to mud or even a river. Even the jeep had trouble getting down it. The local people had observed the same method for years. I was impressed with their remarkable wisdom. I also found it interesting how protecting nature had become their business.
That is not to say that there aren’t any roads there; there are but they are not paved or improved. When riding in the jeep, suddenly a group of elephants appeared right before my eyes. When I was coming out of my lodge by car, a giraffe strolled onto the road. What people think of as a road is, to the animals, just another part of their land for them to roam across. That goes for the lions too. All the animals use the road as their own.


1978年『千のナイフ』でデビュー、同年YMOに参加。のち、数々の映画音楽を手がけ、作曲家としてアカデミー賞を受賞。常に革新的なサウ ンドを追求する姿勢は世界的評価を得ている。1999年のオペラ「LIFE」以降、環境・平和・社会問題に言及し、2007年7月、「more trees」の設立を発表し、温暖化防止の啓蒙や森林保全・植林の活動を表明。音楽活動では2006年に「良質な音楽の発信基地」としてレーベル ”commmons”を設立しジャンルやカテゴリーを越境した活動を続けている。NY在住。

Ryuichi Sakamoto (musician)

In 1978, Ryuichi Sakamoto debuted with “Thousand Knives” and in the same year, joined the group Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO). Late, he wrote numerous musical pieces for movies, before winning an Academy Award for composing. His approach of always trying to find an innovative sound has been met with high regard worldwide. Since he composed his opera “LIFE” in 1999, he has been commenting on issues concerning environmental protection, peace, and social problems. In July 2007, he announced he was establishing “more trees”, an organization that would be engaged in activities for global warming prevention awareness, forest protection, and afforestation. In the field of music, he established a new label “commmons” in 2006 as a base to bring forth good-quality music and continues activities across different genres and categories. He lives in New York.